Protect Yourself from Domestic Violence If you or your children are in immediate physical danger through family abuse, please do not hesitate to reach out to our law firm. We provide a safe, confidential environment in which to help you obtain a restraining order to keep you and your children out of a dangerous situation. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you address your family law issues, contact our Tulare County divorce lawyers today. Our local number is (559) 635-4233, You can also contact us online through our contact form under "contact".
High-Asset Divorce Services That Preserve Your Interests The Harbottle Law Firm has extensive knowledge of the divorce and property issues directly affecting people with significant property, assets, or family-owned businesses. The attorneys have extensive knowledge in how your high-asset divorce could affect your taxes. Professionals or self-employed clients throughout Tulare County turn to our law firm because they know we confidently address complex divorce issues.
Divorce Meditation Could Work for You In addition to routine divorce cases, we provide skilled divorce mediation services. Divorce mediation involves a collaborative effort between both parties. Through mediation, you and your spouse can arrive at a fair and amicable solution. You and your children can emerge from the divorce process with a healthy, solid future ahead. All divorce issues can be decided in mediation, including child support and custody, property division and spousal support.